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At DataBeat, we empower the publisher platforms turn data into ROI-boosting insights.

  • Make smarter decisions with your publishers
  • Get higher returns for them and your business
  • Advanced analytics and reports
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Take new publishers live without any hassle

Are the right DSPs aligned with the right publishers?
Do you see discrepancies in your end-of-month report?
Do your publishers has put unexpected blocks?
Campaigns not delivering as expected?
You need a partner like DataBeat now!

Gain a competitive advantage with our FREE Competitor Intelligence Dashboard.

What Do We Do Exactly?

Yield & Programmatic Revenue Optimization
  • Timeout optimization – sell impression without waiting
  • Root cause analysis – what works / doesn’t work
  • Inventory performance optimization – custom strategy for each site
  • Adstack optimization – more revenue for you and your publisher partners
Account and Ad Ops
  • Floor optimization – selling impressions at the right price
  • Testing & troubleshooting – no issue goes unnoticed
  • Site onboarding – smoothly add new websites
  • Quality audit – great quality score
Data & Analytics
  • Data maintaince – clean, error-free dashboards
  • Data processing – big data is our speciality
  • Business intelligence – actionable insights from your data
  • Data automation – Automate recurring reports and save time

Case Studies


Databeat Automation Dashboards
Case Studies

How Automation & Dashboards helped SSP’s save time

Issue The client was a leading network that served multiple…
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