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Guide to Ads.txt Management for SSPs: Optimizing Insights

By September 12, 2024September 18th, 2024No Comments


In the moving field of digital advertising, trust and transparency are crucial. In an attempt to ensure honesty within programmatic ads, IAB developed ads.txt which is quite simple yet effective. When dealing with this competitive business environment where SSPs or publishers aim at optimizing revenue while ensuring brand safety, it is important that you know how to manage your ads.txt file. 

Ads.txt can help publishers avoid ad fraud by stating who is authorized to sell their inventory. Consequently, customers can be sure that they are buying genuine ad space from reputable sources. Efficient management will bring more revenue than just having an ads.txt file for good sales though.

What is ads.txt?

  • Transparency and Authorization: Ads.txt lets publishers or SSP to list all the companies they’ve approved to sell their ad space. This way, only these trusted sellers can access their inventory.
  • Prevention of Ad Fraud: It helps protect against fraud by making it difficult for unauthorized sellers to claim or sell a publisher’s ad space. This ensures that ad revenue goes to the right place.
  • Integrity and Trust: Ads.txt builds transparency and trust between publishers and ad sellers. It supports ethical practices and helps make the digital advertising industry more reliable.

The ads.txt lines contains 4 fields

  • SPP or Exchange Name
  • Seller Account ID
  • Payment Type or Relationship
  • Certification Authority ID (Optional)

What is the use of ads.txt?

  • Authorization Declaration: Ads.txt file allows publishers to declare which companies are authorized to sell their ad inventory.
  • Industry Standard: Ads.txt has become an industry-standard practice, promoting consistency and best practices in digital advertising.
  • Informed Decision-Making: By providing a clear list of authorized sellers, ads.txt aids buyers in making informed decisions quickly.
  • Efficiency in Digital Marketing: It streamlines operations across various platforms and networks, enhancing the overall efficiency of digital marketing.
  • Support for Brand Safety: It contributes to brand safety, ensuring that ads are placed in legitimate and vetted environments.

Why should SSP manage their Ads.txt?

  • Advertise Better and Earn More: Make your ads.txt file better and this will change the visibility of your demand-side platform (DSP) as well as bring more revenue.
  • End Unauthorized Sales: Regular inspection of adverts to be installed can help in timely disapproving those who are not authorized or illegal brokers hence ensuring trust with your customers.
  • Stay Updated: For the sake of growth and compliance, it’s critical to update an ads.txt file on a regular basis with new partners or extended partnerships.
  • Optimizing Space for Ads: When done properly by adjusting the ads.txt script, it could increase the number of ad placements thus increasing revenue potential.
  • Testing: Continuous testing helps in identifying what works best in terms of bidding triggers which leads to advancements in long-term business operations.
  • Strive for Growth: Always update and optimize your ads.txt file so that Publisher or SSP can maximize on ad revenues.

Optimizing ads.txt: Strategies for Improving Ad Revenue and Efficiency 

Getting the most out of your ads.txt file plays a big role in boosting your earnings and making sure ad deals run. Let’s take a look at three main ways to maximize SSP revenue:

  1. Looking at the Number of Lines in ads.txt:- Ads.txt manager often has too many lines for one reseller. For example take SSP1 as a reseller through SSP2- their entry can take up to 12 lines. This extra stuff can cause repeated requests and lower CPMs because DSPs might not bid as hard to win auctions. It also costs more to process these extra lines. If SSPs clean up these entries, they can cut down on processing fees and maybe get higher CPMs.
  2. Finding and Adding Missing ads.txt:- Another way to make things better is to spot missing ads.txt entries for certain domains and put them in your file. This could lead to higher CPMs and more money overall. It helps fill in the gaps and makes sure all the resellers are recognized
  3. Discrepancy Between DSP Alignment and Ads.txt:– It involves pulling your list of domains and comparing it against the lines of DSP resellers for any discrepancies. If there are any discrepancies we can align that DSP’s to the respective Domains. This may Boost the revenue of an SSP

How Databeat Can Help Maximizing the SSP Revenue By Using Ads.txt Validator ?

Databeat’s Ads.txt Validator is a tool that changes the way game is played, helping SSPs (Supply-Side Platforms) to optimize their ad revenue and reduce operational costs. With this strong internal tool, Databeat can change your ads.txt management:

  • Comprehensive Tracking and Realignment: Databeat’s Ads.txt Validator carefully follows all domains together with their reseller lines. It differentiates between existing and removed reseller entries hence SSPs can go straight to particular domains for realignment. This proactive approach ensures that your ads.txt file remains current and accurately reflects authorized resellers thereby improving ad inventory visibility and increasing revenue.
  • Reducing Processing Costs: The Ads.txt Validator by analyzing and consolidating multiple ads.txt lines for reseller DSPs helps SSPs streamline their files. Such a decrease in redundant entries lowers processing costs as well as eliminates superfluous overhead. Fewer yet more accurate lines within the ads.txt file can enable you to cut on operational expenses thus optimizing your bidding process leading to improved revenues at the end of the day.
  • Enhancing Revenue via Reverse Processing: The tool also does well in reverse processing by figuring out those ads.txt lines that are there but misaligned. SSPs can ensure that all reseller lines are properly matched with their respective domains by correcting these alignment issues. This means that the alignment correction can lead to more effective ad transactions and increased revenue because it enhances the accuracy and speed of bidding.

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